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In case you didn't know, you are the heart and lifeblood of our existence. Because of your love for horses, we have the good fortune to meet you. Because of your desire to, not just be with horses, but grow as well, we have the honor of serving you.

You must know we love and admire you, respect and believe in you. Without you, we don't exist. Thank you for everything you inspire in us.

We aren't asking for anything from you. Just here to say thank you and Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

PS. We thought it fitting to thank our wonderful equine partners too. Read this "Tribute to an Icon," posted a year ago.

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Thanks and enjoy! Don

Don Jessop - Blog Welcome

Hi! I'm Don Jessop

With Mastery Horsemanship

I write to inspire, educate and encourage you on your horse and personal journey.

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