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Don Jessop

Horsey, horsey may I ride you?
If not ride, then stand beside you?

If I earn your trust to guide you
Would you see me as a friend too

In the past you have been lied to
But with me, you'll find a soul true

You stole my heart and I am proud to
Say I'm part of all that you do

In my life there's nothing I choose
That compares to what we've been through

When I walk a mile in your shoes
I see how much I am just like you

Wild at heart and kind of shy too
Willing, strong, intention so true

Horsey, horsey may I ride you?
If not ride, then stand beside you?

I've been writing and writing and writing, all because of you, my dear horsey friends. Over the the last season I published three new books. Check them out here and be inspired to be a better leader.

Don Jessop

Don Jessop - Blog Welcome

Hi! I'm Don Jessop

With Mastery Horsemanship

I write to inspire, educate and encourage you on your horse and personal journey.

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